Saturday 16 October 2010

Start All Over- Willoh Blackburn-Wizard Rock Video

I haven't been online for ages... I KNOW!
I even lost a game... Sheesh!
That's sooo bad...
Humph.. I had warned about it... /./'
Here's a vid I found today on "Recommended for you" section.
I mostly like the comments below...
Go check them out, if you feel like doing so...


Monday 20 September 2010

I got lost...

Now I'm officially lost.
I don't know how to go where I want to go...

There's noone to RP with.. Sheesh.

Everyone is in law RP areas. GOSH!

I'm making some money...
I'm trying at least... c.c

Oof! I'm going to take some more photos.Photo maniac! I know!
AND! I met someone new!! [I already knew her but not IC! OOC. On Hogwarts...]
Hohoho.. -Evil laugh!-


Thursday 16 September 2010

O_O He hit her?

He hit a prefect.
No way...

It might be his own sister, but there are certain rules...
Uh-oh. Someone's in trouble...

What's gonna happen now?


Ok, I'll give you a clue.
Or, maybe actually I'll describe the whole thing.

NOTHING happened...

She just admitted she had taken punches previously. n.n

URGH! I'm just motionless.

UH-OH! Someone important noticed...




Ok, well.
I'm gonna participate in the Dueling Match..

I don't know how the headmistress talked me into it.
Probably because I didn't even know what it's about.

And, I'm still looking for a wand.

I can't duel without one.
And, I hear my opponent is quite experienced, too.
Great, just great... -_-
I don't even KNOW what to do...

And perfect...
Some people are arguing right now...
In the dining room.

Someone entered. I think I know him... Hmmm...
I remembered... xD
I greeted him. Waiting for a response? Not from that person...


Monday 13 September 2010 MOKONA!


He made me take detach my Mokona from my shoulder. That's soo unfair!
It's gonna get lonely now... -_-

That's a vampire inside Hogwarts!
Sooo cool!
See? Everything happens... xD

My Mokona... x"C


Inside school...

Just like every single school has its own "types" of people, Hogwarts does, too!

I've already met weirdos, helpful kind people, boys and girls who "hate"
newbies, forgetting that they were once, too, but never saying it openly, of course...

It's interesting.
You get to know many things about many people..

you can also make new friends. I'm in the process, now!
I hope so...

And, I think I'll get in trouble, too, very soon... xD

Boys... -.-'


Sunday 12 September 2010

* Finished *

She teleported me, but we didn't start right away!
Congratulations from here, too! xD
*Wink wink*

I'm stupid.. While my interviewer and future professor is being spammed with IMs, i'm taking pictures of the room we are into! O.O;

She's reading my app again...and....WE'RE STARTING! 9.27pm GMT +2

[Is it just me or my avatar nods everytime I say "Ok" and "Yes"? Nope! I think she nods everytime I say ANYTHING.. O.O']


I just joined the official group of WoH! 10.06pm GMT +2

I have now the official website!
And YUP! I'm a maniac with photos in SL, too!

I'm learning about the plots.. Shhh... 10.15pm GMT +2

Getting a tour inside the castle!
And.. YES! I'm in! xD


* Started *

My interview started right now!

Taken by N.C., Professor at Hogwarts
She's has already read my application, accepted it and now it's time for the interview!

On Friday it was my "twin's" time!
Won't tell more!

Will I be able to go to school right now?

What an irony! Tomorrow schools start here, too! Pff!

She teleported me! I'm going...
See you when it ends...


My Interview!

Phew phew!
I'm gonna have an interview, right now...

I'm so nervous...
Thank God, I don't use microphone!

Have you been a student at Hogwarts?
Are you right now?
Then you know how I feel!
My first avatar that will go to WoH!
I'm so proud of her!

But, I won't tell her name! *Wink wink*


Thursday 9 September 2010

Second Life Travels: Hogwarts

I haven't really travelled with that magical train yet.
But I hope I will, soon...


World Of Hogwarts Ad

And.... That's HOGWARTS!
I have sent my application, they accepted it and now I'm waiting to arrange an interview!
And then.. I'll be officially a student at Hogwarts!

Isn't that cool?!

Want to apply too?
All you have to do is type "World Of Hogwarts" on the search box of your app.


Friday 20 August 2010

ONLINE right now!

Yesterday [on 18/8/2010, anyway] my cousin and I made 2 alt avatars. They're twins!

And right now I'm ONLINE with her!
And watching closely while 2-3 people play! It's so cool... I'm learning... JK..
I'm going to apply, too! A friend of mine just got accepted!
Well, I just have to be a little more older...
Actually, at least 15 days old..
I'll wait... xD

And I've some more things to post here!

Wanna know how you can make another person your partner?
Follow this link...

Need to find FREEBIES?
AOs, Clothes, Avatars, Skins, Hairs! Everything you could possibly need!

I'm going back to the game now.
I missed role-playing...
Even though I'm not hte one actually RPing right now... Cx

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Taking a profile picture - Second Life Viewer 2 Tutorial

Well, I don't really have a picture on my profile, yet [probably because I can't even log in right now].
But that's the way you can do it in Viewer 2.
I was wondering and finally found the way!

Many people say that the former Viewer was much better.
But I can't really say, since I'm a total nweb.
I'll try to find it at th website.
Is it totally different? I wonder...

What's your opinion?

The Online 3D Virtual World

Second Life is an online 3D virtual world imagined and designed by you. From the moment you enter Second Life, youll discover a universe brimming with people and possibilities.

Create and customize your own digital 3D persona, also known as your avatar. Be a fashion diva, a business-savvy entrepreneur, or a robot or all three. Changing identities is quick and easy, so if you tire of your avatars outfit or body, shop for a new one in Second Life or from your web browser. Then switch it in seconds.

Every minute, Residents assemble buildings, design new fashion lines and launch clubs and businesses. Theres always more to see and do.

Visit for more information.

Other Users Around the World!

free counters

I'm 2 days old. And having a problem..

Well, actually I joined the game on August 14th 2010.
To be honest  my cousins helped me to sign up because I was making a stupid mistake. Sheesh.
But now I'm officially a member.
I don't know yet how SL counts the days but I guess I'm 2 days old.

Everything was going absolutely right [ if you exclude the proble with the Internet connection] up to today when suddenly the SECOND LIFE CRASH LOGGER appeared to me too.. Oh joy..

I've searched in many forums but all I've got 'till now?
People with the same problem.
No solution. Nothing. Nothing helpful, I guess...

'' hi i was last on second life thursday playing ok, now the issue im haveing is when i try log in to second life i keep getting crash logger and at that it keeps saying can't connect to server, before this all happened i was like a cloud particle could'nt load up at all, i have tried everything from un instal to re instal or just wipeing my full laptop clean of the full contents to bring original settings back i just don't know what to do anymore can someone help thanks ''
 Posted by alena.Dotcheva
I have exactly the same problem...
If you have ANY suggestion, please let me know...

And in case you wanna know my name? Just ask me!
